Protect Yourself and Others

Surgical Face Masks - Type IIR

Hospital Grade
Hand Sanitiser

viruses & Bacteria


Medical Fabrics & Material



Jacketed Wire

Jacketed Wire

Ear Loops

Ear Loops


Spunbonder outer layer

SPUNDBOND-inner-layer copy

Spunbonder inner layer

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Modern Medical

Independent verification against a globally recognized industry standards.


Wide range of products that consistently meet customer requirements 

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Latest News

Early predictions underestimated how long patients with COVID-19 would need to stay in hospitals and how many would require intensive care, according to a study…

A review of research has found that the ability to obtain and understand basic health information and services partly determines the mortality rate of people…

A recent study suggests that in the hours after eating a meal that is high in saturated fats, a person’s ability to concentrate is reduced.…

According to a recent study that looked at data from California and Washington state, early predictions underestimated how long patients with COVID-19 would need to…

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